For several decades, OPGK Rzeszów has been implementing the most ambitious geodetic projects in Poland and abroad.
The concept of a base map functions in nomenclature related to geodesy and cartography in various meanings in relation to products, the content and form of which have changed over time. Originally, the basic map was conducted in an analog form, then, along with the development of computer technologies, it evolved towards vector maps, or possibly hybrid ones, i.e. vector-raster ones. Subsequent studies aimed at increasing the information capacity of the master map by linking graphic elements with attribute information, usually stored in external databases.
Currently, the basic map is understood as a cartographic visualization generated on the basis of geospatial data sets, kept in the form of object-oriented databases.
At OPGK Rzeszów Inc., for many years, works related to the development or processing of each of the above-mentioned forms of the main map were carried out.
Most of the orders currently performed include activities related to the processing of previous studies along with bringing them into compliance with the current quality requirements and applicable regulations, in particular:
Creation of databases based on which the base map is generated, in particular BDOT500 and GESUT.
Supplying databases.
Updating the content of databases based on new measurements and the basis of data from existing operators.
Transforming the previously applicable forms of the master map into the applicable regulations.
Verification of the quality of existing data in terms of suitability for current studies.
Adaptation of the base map to compliance with the applicable conceptual model.
Harmonization of bases.
Cartographic editing.